Check out these highlights from The Internet Scout Project.
July 25, 2014 -- Volume 20, Number 28
US Environmental Protection Agency: Students for the Environment
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Working with students who are eager to know more about the environment? You'll want to make a beeline to the EPA's Students for the Environment site. The helpful site consists of three primary sections: Students K-12; Educators and Parents; and News and Deadlines. In the first section, visitors can look over games and quizzes that tie educational guidelines to thoughtful explorations on water quality, insects, and more. A variety of Homework Resources can also be found in this section, featuring a range of external links and information. Moving on, the Educators and Parents area brings together information about evaluating the "greenness" of schools, along with a raft of lesson plans dealing primarily with environmental science and the like. The last area includes news updates on science education and exciting new resources.
Technopanics: Moral Panics about Technology
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Why is everyone all a-panic about the Internet and the (sometimes) deviant behavior it might seem to enable? This fine OpenCourseWare offering from Professor Marcella Therese Szabiewicz takes a look at a "number of technopanics" of late. The course begins by looking at how similar panics about "old" media (books, films, and the like) set historical precedents for these current fears. Visitors can look over the syllabus, check out the full course calendar, and also download all of the course materials in one fell swoop. A selection of the readings are available online for free and visitors will appreciate the detailed nature that the syllabus offers.
Community College Pathways: Summative Assessments and Student Learning
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How do students learn on community college campuses? It's a great question and one that forms the basis of this Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching report. Released in July 2014, this report from Scott Strother and Nicole Sowers looks at how students in community colleges work to complete developmental mathematics courses. The Pathways program created by the Carnegie Foundation is the primary subject of their inquiry and the authors were charged with researching the program's effectiveness. An executive summary along with a host of findings based on rigorous statistical analysis and interviews are featured here.
Source: Internet Scout Project