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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

7 things to do to prepare for distance learning | Study International News

"After umming and ahhing about what was the best course to study, how much you could afford to spend, how far you could travel, whether you wanted a local or international degree (we vote foreign!), you have finally come to a decision. You’re going to get your qualification online" inform

Studying in bed is pretty great... but ya' might wanna leave the house at some point
Photo: Shutterstock
Perhaps you have family to care for, a job you wish to keep at home, or you cannot afford to move to the other side of the world to get the degree you so crave.
There are many reasons you might choose to study online but mostly it rewards you with an opportunity to get a degree from one of the best universities in the world from the comfort of your own home, as well as giving you almost total flexibility.
So, you’ve been accepted into a distance learning programme. You’re excited, ready for the challenge and raring to go. Here is what you need to do to prepare…
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Source: Study International News