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Friday, December 07, 2018

Computers are about numbers | Features - Jordan Times

The readers of this column will forgive me if they find the title of this week’s article somewhat obvious. Of course, we all know that computers are about numbers, but we often forget it, says Jean-Claude Elias, Jordan Times.

Photo: jscreationzs at

Does it really matter? Is there any point in keeping in mind this trait of the devices?

It is understood that we do not have to be mathematicians to use computers; thank God for 

However, like driving a car and just knowing that there is an engine under the bonnet without being yourself a mechanic, it is good from time to time to remember that everything we see, hear, read or write while using a computer is a matter of zeroes and ones in the end, deep inside the guts of the machine.

What happens between the “zeroes and ones” stage and the one that shows us photos, plays music, takes us to the Internet, or processes text is another story. It is actually what makes computers truly magical digital devices, though we tend to forget it.  

Remembering that it is all about numbers has advantages. To start with it allows you to better communicate with parties who do need to talk numbers. These can be your Internet service provider, the salesperson trying to recommend this or that model of laptop, or the IT technician who is trying to repair your computer. You really need to talk gigabytes and such numbers with them. For instance many consumers still make the confusion between megabyte and megabit when referring to an
Internet connection speed. The first unit being eight times higher than the second.

People working at helpdesks often find it hard to communicate with users and solve their problems, precisely because of a general lack in technical knowledge at the users’ end...

Understanding numbers is also very helpful when processing images and making decisions about the resolution or the pixel count, or compressing the image before emailing it. Let is not forget the fringe benefit that also comes from being able to talk numbers: it is a social one and it lets you better discuss computers and IT matters with your friends in the evening.

Source: Jordan Times