Professor Keith Devlin |
Moreover, many of those tools are easily available and free...
Professor KeithDevlin, Director of the Stanford Mathematics Outreach Project in the Graduate School of Education, delivers a public lecture at the University of Auckland discussing how the rise of the computer has removed many of the complex calculations which used to be carried out by hand, how that has changed the mathematics profession and the impact on teaching the next generation.
Keith Devlin is a co-founder and Executive Director Emeritus of the Stanford’s H-Star institute and a co-founder of the Stanford mediaX research network. He is a Fellow of the World Economic Forum, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the American Mathematical Society. Recipient of the Pythagoras Prize, the Peano Prize, and the Carl Sagan Award, he is known as "the Math Guy" on USA National Public Radio.
This free public lecture will be held on Tuesday, 26 March at 6.15pm at the University of Auckland in Lecture Theatre PLT1, Building 303, 38 Princes Street. Refreshments from 5.30pm, Level 4 Common Space. All welcome.
Recommended Reading
Finding Fibonacci: The Quest to Rediscover the Forgotten Mathematical Genius Who Changed the World |