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Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Inspiring the next generation of scientists, engineers, and curious citizens | Amplify

Amplify Science is a brand-new, highly engaging K–8 core curriculum designed for three-dimensional, phenomena-based learning.

Access your free K–5 and 6–8 sample units now.
Our difference

Amplify Science is unique in its truly standards-based content, immersive learning experiences, multimodal approach, and ongoing support for teachers.

A powerful partnership
Amplify Science was developed by the science education experts at the University of California, Berkeley’s Lawrence Hall of Science and the digital learning team at Amplify. 

Real-world, problem-based experiences
Every unit in Amplify Science has students taking on the role of a scientist or engineer in order to investigate a real-world, 21st-century problem. Through their investigations, students are exposed to a diverse range of scientific fields and career paths.

Access your free K–5 and 6–8 sample units now.

Source: Amplify