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Thursday, June 06, 2019

For these artists, math is their muse | Mathematics - Science News for Students

Stephen Ornes, has been writing for Science News for Students since 2008 reports, A growing number of artists are creating works based on mathematical ideas.

"Grid," by math artist Henry Segerman, explores mathematical concepts using projections. This 3-D printed sculpture is a patterned sphere. When light shines through the openings from above, the shadows form a square grid.
Photo: H. Segerman
Every year, the Joint Mathematics Meeting brings more than 5,000 math lovers together. It’s the largest math meeting in the world. In January 2019, mathematicians flocked to the meeting in Baltimore, Md., to learn about new ideas and talk about their work. Many even — believe it or not — came to admire the latest in mathematical art.

The meeting included an entire art exhibition. Visitors marveled at sculptures made from metal, wood, porcelain and folded paper. One was based on a supersized Rubik’s cube. Many included triangles, hexagons or other shapes, arranged in strange and surprising sizes and colors. The collection also included drawings and paintings inspired by the study of numbers, curves and patterns.

Math artist Robert Fathauer, who lives near Phoenix, Ariz., organizes the art exhibit at the annual math meeting. Every year, he notes, more and more artists submit their work. Their creations explore new and creative ways to turn math into art. Fathauer himself makes pottery sculptures inspired by mathematical patterns, including those found on the frilly edges of corals or kale. He finds inspiration by looking at how math shows up in the everyday world...

Looking for math and finding art
Math artists tell similar stories about how they started creating. In many cases, a person who was talented in math and art had to choose one or the other as a career. But they never truly left the other behind. 


Source: Science News for Students