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Tuesday, July 09, 2019

17 Best Apps for Kids, According to Parents and Kids Alike | Electronics -

Endorsed by real parents and real kids, suggest Paige Robinson, Good Housekeeping.

Photo: Getty
It can be hard to keep kids occupied sometimes, especially when school is out. That's why you typically reach for tablets, phones, or other electronic devices for your kids to play with when they're bored...

That's why the Good Housekeeping Institute tested a bunch of apps on the market and consulted our consumer panel (made up of real parents and their children!) in order to find the best ones to download. Whether your kid is in pre-school or high school, there are fun, educational, and even some free apps on this list for them, no matter what they're interested in. Grab your charger (or portable battery) and download the best apps for kids in 2019:
