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Saturday, July 13, 2019

Want to learn to code? Here’s your Delaware resource list | Dev - Brooklyn

Whether you're in a position to financially invest in your future or don't have a penny to spare, here are 10 local ways you can learn coding without going back to college, according to Holly Quinn, lead reporter for Delaware. 

Go learn something.
 Photo: Flickr user Hamza Butt, used under a Creative Commons license
With Amazon starting to retrain a third of its workforce to keep them relevant as technology evolves, your programming skills may start feeling stale. Or maybe don’t yet have programming skills and are looking for a total career makeover.

Even if you’re just interested in learning a new language you can use as a hobby with your kids, there are quite a few options in Delaware, from totally free programs and meetups to affordable bootcamps.

We’ve created a list of local coding resources for adults that do not require you to enroll in college — for the record, Del Tech, Delaware State University, Wilmington University and University of Delaware do all offer coding certifications — ranging from Saturday morning meetups to highly challenging bootcamps that can launch you into a whole new career.

All but two options are in Delaware itself, and most are in-person classes — but if you’re looking for something that’s online (and free) that you can do at your own pace, we’ve got a recommendation for that at the end.

Source: Brooklyn