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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A Look at the Open Syllabus Project and College Education | Education - Parentology

“The top-ranked texts, other than textbooks and writing manuals, are overwhelmingly “classics” that would look at home in a curriculum written 50 years ago,” Joe Karaganis, project director and vice president of the American Assembly at Columbia University says.

Photo: Parentology

The college syllabus has always been a go-to guide for any college class. From homework to recommended reading, anything you wanted to know about a college class could be found in the syllabus. Now, researchers at the American Assembly, a non-profit group at Columbia University, are taking the information from college syllabi to learn more about what professors are teaching around the world.

The Open Syllabus Project takes a look at what books are being read and taught in college courses. The goal is to use this information to not only help professors but also students...

How Can the Open Syllabus Project Help 
Professors and Students? McClure believes the information found in the Open Syllabus Project can help professors find new readings to go along with what’s already been selected.

“It could also be useful as a way to avoid the “typical” choices, and design really innovative and unusual courses,” McClure adds.

Source: Parentology