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Thursday, August 08, 2019

Asia Minute: No Age Limit on Learning | Asia Minute - Hawaiipublicradio

Bill Dorman, news director of Hawai‘i Public Radio says, Now that August has arrived, many households in Hawaii are making back-to-school plans. 

Photo: mycarmcarm / Pixabay
But in some places, graduation ceremonies are not that far in the past. In Australia, the University of Melbourne recently held a commencement ceremony with a record-setting graduate.

Lorna Prendergast just graduated from the University of Melbourne with a Masters Degree in studies relating to aging. It’s a topic she’s familiar with, because she’s 90 years old. She had a very specific focus — looking at how music can provide relief for periods of time to people who are suffering from dementia.

Lorna also had to do all of this remotely because she lives in a small country town nearly 200 miles outside Melbourne. 

The retired librarian completed her entire Master’s degree program online...

As for Lorna, she says she’s taking a short break right now before moving on to her next project.

Source: Hawaiipublicradio