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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

A New Book Explores the Connection Between Movement and Music | Off the Shelf - Columbia University

Why do we tap our feet or dance in time to the beat? by Eve Glasberg, Senior Public Affairs Officer at Columbia University. 

Professor Mariusz Kozak says that one of the most basic functions of music is to provide a sonic template for the enactment of bodily movements and associated emotional states.
In a discussion with Columbia News, Mariusz Kozak, a professor in the music department, sheds some light on how his academic research is enriched by his teaching and how living in New York affects his work. He also reveals why we move when we hear music, which he explores in his new book, Enacting Musical Time: The Bodily Experience of New Music.

Recommended Reading

Enacting Musical Time:
The Bodily Experience of New Music
(Oxford Studies in Music Theory)
Source: Columbia University