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Thursday, July 16, 2020

An introduction on how to export and import JavaScript modules | Syndication - The Next Web

This article was originally published on Live Code Stream by Juan Cruz Martinez, founder and publisher of Live Code Stream.

Photo: Unsplash and icons8 (edited)
He is a Software Engineer with more than 10 years of experience in the field, working in a wide variety of projects, from open source solutions to enterprise applications. 

There seems to be some confusion when it comes to JavaScript modules. Some developers are unsure of how they work and why are various ways that they can be used. To clear up some of these misconceptions, this article will explain the different ways in which you can export and import modules.

First, let’s explore background of JavaScript modules.

JavaScript programs started as simple scripts or apps that had rather small codebases. But after time, its evolved and so has its uses meaning there’s been an increase in the size of codebases. To support this increase the language needed to support a mechanism under which was possible to separate or split the code into smaller, reusable units...

JavaScript modules are a powerful feature that allows us to better organize our code, but it also allows us to share modules across projects. I hope you enjoyed and learned something new today. 

Source: The Next Web