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Saturday, July 25, 2020

Artificial intelligence in cybersecurity | Opinion - Fiji Times

Ilaitia B. Tuisawau, private cybersecurity consultant says, Although the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted all areas of the globe especially international travel, supply chains and business models everywhere, 2020 started as 2019 ended, with new cyberattacks, hacking incidents and data breaches coming to light almost every day.

Artifi cial intelligence (AI) capabilities are being recognised globally in a competitive fi eld with top researchers all seeking to dominate. 
The digital age has been one of technology increase at an exponential rate. In the recorded history of man, every age has been one of slow progress, linear at best but slowly over the years, centuries even millennia.

The introduction of the personal computer (PC) in the 1980s and microchip technology with Moore’s famous observational law of technology doubling the number of transistors in a microchip every two years at about half the cost is mindboggling.

This has held true for over 40 years. This has led to great innovations and miniaturisation of electronics devices in a short period of time. A comparison often used is that the computers used to send a man to the moon in 1969 were less capable than a mobile phone today.

One of the high tech advances in computer systems today is in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). The use of AI is slowly proliferating into all aspects of IT systems including cybersecurity...

On the topic of AI and its exponential development from a research project to full application into all areas of technology and human interaction, I urge caution.

Source: Fiji Times