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Wednesday, September 02, 2020

5 new benefits of online learning in rural areas | Connected Teaching and Learning - SmartBrief

Jim Dachos, Vice President of Educational Partnerships for the nonprofit, VHS Learning notes, According to the National Center for Education Statistics, about 5.7 million students attend rural public schools in the US and roughly 57% of all operating school districts are located in rural areas.

5 new benefits of online learning in rural areas
Photo: Pixabay
Of those rural schools, high schools tend to struggle the most when it comes to providing a broad catalog of course options.   

Whether it’s due to a lack of teachers, internet access, limited financial resources, or less perceived interest on the part of students -- or all three -- these issues are holding schools back from achieving the equality and equity in education that all students deserve. Here’s how equality and equity differ:  
  • Equality in education is achieved when students are all treated equally and have access to similar learning resources. 
  • Equity, on the other hand, is achieved when all students receive the resources they need to be able to graduate prepared for success after high school.
In today’s educational environment, more rural schools are reexamining how they measure up on equality and equity, and are taking steps to ensure that all students are taught by qualified educators who are fully prepared for teaching and supported throughout their careers...

Teacher Shortage
According to the US Department of Education, public schools in more than 40 states have claimed teacher shortages for the most recent academic year in the following subject areas:
  • Math
  • Special Education
  • Science
  • Computer Science 
  • Foreign Language
  • English as a Second Language (ESL)
  • STEM (cited by 62% of rural schools)
Online learning helps schools overcome teacher shortages. 

Source: SmartBrief