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Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Online learning boom: LinkedIn data shows rate of pandemic learning | Online learning - FE News

1.3 million hours of LinkedIn (@LinkedIn) Learning courses consumed in the UK over the past year as Brits brush up on soft skills and basic tech skills by

Online learning boom: LinkedIn data shows rate of pandemic learning
Photo: FE News
Brits invested over 1.3 million hours learning new skills over the past year, a 153% increase compared to the previous year, according to data from LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network. 

As many people adapted to working from home during the pandemic and found more time on their hands during lockdown, many turned to online learning to develop new skills and enhance existing ones...

Namrata Murlidhar, Director at LinkedIn, said: “2020 has been a year of change as people adapted to new ways of working or saw their employment circumstances change due to the global pandemic. Many have invested time developing new skills to help get them through, particularly soft skills which are highly valued by companies today and have grown in importance in recent years.  

Source: FE News