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Friday, October 02, 2020

The New Normal: Fall Planning and Moving Higher Ed Online | Data Bytes - EDUCAUSE Review

An EDUCAUSE/Cisco study sheds light on the general trends that have taken shape as institutions planned and prepared for fall education.

Sean Burns, Corporate Researcher at EDUCAUSE writes, Fall Planning for the New Normal: Moving Higher Ed Online provides higher education leaders with insights and recommendations for addressing the recent dramatic shift to remote and hybrid learning, with the goals of enhancing the teaching and learning experience and maintaining the health and safety of students, faculty, and staff.1

Photo: Unitone Vector / © 2020

Key Findings

EDUCAUSE and Cisco collaborated on this study, drawing on the results from two EDUCAUSE QuickPoll surveys conducted in June and August, as well as interviews with stakeholders at three higher education institutions. The report highlights important findings related to institutions' plans for remote learning and services during the coronavirus pandemic. Key areas of focus in the report include shifting course delivery methods, creating new student support models, and moving more institutional services online...

How Can My Institution Use This Information?
If higher education institutions understand which services need more resources and effort, as well as the factors driving those needs, institutions can better develop strategic plans for the rest of the academic year. Since needs and services are still in a state of flux across higher education, campus leaders can use this data to kick start additional internal research and conversations to continue identifying where resources are needed. 


Source: EDUCAUSE Review