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Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Beginners Guide to Probability and Statistics for Data Science | Statistical Analysis - Medium

Ibukun Ogunnaike, Python - Data Science writes, Ever wondered why learning and understanding mathematical concepts like Probability and Statistics is important for a Data scientist?

Photo: Pixabay

Ever wondered why learning and understanding mathematical concepts like Probability and Statistics is important for a Data scientist?

A lot of Data science work is usually perceived to be just all about programming, but almost everything that data scientists do, involves working with statistics and making predictions. When predictions are made, that is probability and this is the foundation for even the most advanced predictive models.

Most Machine learning and Deep Learning models use probability concepts internally. If you understand Probability theory then your understanding of Machine Learning and Deep learning will be grounded. So in this article I will help you understand some basic concepts in probability and statistics...

...With this article, I have attempted to bring explain basic but important mathematical concepts that would aid your knowledge of data science and machine learning.


Source: Medium