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Friday, March 26, 2021

Introducing The Curiosity Academy, Stylist’s new digital learning hub | The Curiosity Academy - Stylist

Are you looking to find new hobbies, grow your passions and learn new skills? Introducing The Curiosity Academy, Stylist’s new learning hub for curious minds by Stylist Team.

Photo: Stylist Team

Over the past 12 months you have shared with us your growing passion for learning new skills – from candle-making and meditation to launching podcasts and perfecting public speaking. We know you have a thirst for knowledge in all areas of your life, and are curious to know more, do more and go further

You told us that your curiosity for learning isn’t just about lockdown life (although certainly that has fuelled a desire to learn for many) but about a new mindset – continuous learning is the answer to finding new passions and living life to the full.

With that in mind we are delighted to unveil The Curiosity Academy – a new digital space where you can access workshops, how-to guides, new research and learn the most up-to-date skills from the UK’s most in-the-know people.

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Source: Stylist