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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A Training Proposal for e-Learning Teachers

This article, by Florentino Blázquez Entonado and Laura Alonso, appears in the November edition of EURODL:

In an attempt to improve the training of e-learning teachers, we have carried out research into tasks, exercises and mechanisms that have proved to be effective in online training. Five aspects of the teaching / learning process (theoretical content; activities; mechanisms of interaction; communication tools; and design) were analysed. A training course was assessed at two different times using two cohorts of students, which in total comprised 342 participants. The second delivery of the course was modified following feedback on the first course. In order to further increase our understanding of the effectiveness and value of the course changes, 12 teachers were also questioned throughout the development of the course. The overall aim of the study was to determine what training methods were most effective in the delivery of an online teaching training course.

Source: The European Journal of Open and Distance Learning