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Saturday, September 03, 2011

Consumer Reports: Websites That Offer Free Courses

The Hartford Courant summarizes, "It's good to be a grown-up: You can go to school and not have to take math if you don't want to. Instead, how about a class on how to make a chocolate souffle? Or maybe a modern-art course taught by an Ivy League professor?"

The Internet makes it easy. ShopSmart recommends the following websites, which offer free courses in a wide range of topics:

Academic Earth (

Best for: Tapping Ivy League brainpower. Users can access more than 1,500 lectures on video by professors at Harvard, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Princeton, Stanford, Yale and other top-tier universities.

iTunes U (

Best for: Exploring the world. Apple's iTunes is good for more than downloading music. Use it to find more than 350,000 lectures, videos and films from universities and cultural institutions around the world.

Source: Hartford Courant