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Sunday, September 04, 2011

LeapFrog creates its own 'iPad' by Jinny Gudmundsen

Photo: Jinny Gudmundsen
Jinny Gudmundsen writes, "LeapFrog is hoping to ride the coattails of Apple's iPad success by creating a kid-friendly iPad-like device called the LeapPad.
Here's a closer look at this device, what it can do, and how it stacks up in the world of digital media for kids."

The LeapPad is a $100 learning tablet for kids that can play apps (games, ebooks, videos and flashcards) downloadable from the LeapFrog store. The LeapPad also supports more robust learning games called Learning Game Cartridges which plug into the top of the device. But the showpiece for this new tablet is a new type of digital book called LeapPad Ultra eBooks.

LeapFrog LeapPad Explorer -- The Future of Learning 

LeapPad's 5-inch screen is substantially smaller than the iPad's 9.7-inch version, but the screen is housed in a durable casing which is designed to withstand dropping. Kids can use their finger or an included stylus to interact with the touch-sensitive screen; and the tablet also supports motion-sensor game controls because it contains an accelerometer.

Here's the bottom line: With more than 60 apps, games, videos, flashcards, ebooks and Ultra eBooks to explore, the LeapPad can provide kids with hours of entertaining learning. It costs considerably less money than buying an iPad and is more durable. However, its add-on content, ranging in price from $5 to $24.99, costs substantially more money than learning apps found in the iTunes app store. For families who have young children and aren't ready to invest in an iPad (or don't trust their kids with their prized iDevice), this is an excellent alternative if you don't go too wild with the add-on content.

Source: USA Today and LeapFrogOfficialSite's Channel (YouTube)