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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What is distance learning?

Are you someone who likes to continually learn new things for professional and personal growth? If you answered "yes," then you are likely a lifelong learner. Fitting this positive attribute into today's busy lifestyles can be challenging. Distance learning provides a flexible, affordable and economical way to achieve your educational goals.

Photo: Eastern Arizona Courier

Simply put, learning that takes place outside the confines of a typical classroom environment - where you and the source of the information are separated by time, distance or both - can be defined as distance learning. For working adults it provides flexibility that makes possible the expansion of your knowledge base regardless of income, disability or age.
While distance learning may be a new concept to many adult learners who are veterans of traditional, classroom-based education, it has been successfully practiced for centuries by internationally renowned institutions such as Oxford and Cambridge. Many colleges in the U.S. accept credit awarded through distance learning or offer such programs themselves. One of these, Excelsior College, has been an accredited leader in this field for more than 40 years and focuses on meeting the needs of adult learners.

Source: Eastern Arizona Courier