Date: Thursday, October 9, 2014
Time: 10:00AM Pacific / 1:00PM Eastern (60-Minute Session)
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Cost: $ 0.00
Session Description
We're sure you'll echo our sentiment when we say that lecture-style training sessions can be quite the bore. Maybe even to the point of your business experiencing a case of "death by PowerPoint" (think rolling eyes and uncontrollable yawns). Since that's no way to keep employees pleasant and productive, let's see what we can do to switch things up in the boardroom.
Turn to education for a bit of inspiration and use an instructional method that's giving the traditional model a run for its money: flipped learning.
In the typical flipped classroom model, students review short video lectures at home before class, while in-class time is devoted to hands-on projects and exercises. Like students, employees (ourselves included!) are expected to analyze and apply what they've been taught - and often times quickly. Thus, in flipped corporate settings we also encourage you to share information in advance (for digestion and absorption), so that meeting times can focus on conversation (for contribution and application).
Not to worry, the benefits of flipped learning go beyond the trainee, too; it is a more time-efficient and cost-effective method for the trainer and organization as a whole, so what's not to love? Want to give your employees greater impetus to make a long-term impact on your company and ultimately their career? Take a page out of education.
Our discussion will address the following to help you get started:
- Why the flipped model works in education, and how it's an effective method for professional development
- How to implement video/visuals in your training
- Typical time savings for trainers and participants
- Ways to create video for your next training, including tech tips and best practices

About Matt Pierce
Matt Pierce is Integrated Marketing Manager for video and social media at TechSmith Corp., a software company that provides practical business and academic solutions that change how people communicate and collaborate across devices. For seven years, he directly managed the training and user assistance teams for TechSmith, and has experience leading the social media, video and technical support teams. Matt has also run TechSmith's visual communication web show, The Forge, interviewing guests from around the world discussing the use of visuals, video, and technology in education, training, marketing and more.
Matt is a regular contributor to Training magazine, and has published articles in various training publications in the U.S. and U.K. He has spoken multiple times at national and international conferences including ASTD TechKnowledge, the Society for Technical Communication Summit, Technical Communication UK, and Online Educa Berlin. A graduate of Indiana University's School of Education's Department of Instructional Systems Technology, Matt has 10 years-experience working in learning and development with a focus on visual instruction.
About Ryan Eash
Ryan Eash is an education evangelist for TechSmith Corp., a software company that provides practical business and academic solutions that change how people communicate and collaborate across devices. He works closely with educators to build relationships and support them in their use of TechSmith products. In Ryan's previous role as an instructional designer for TechSmith, he created training videos for Camtasia Studio, and provided in-person training workshops for customers. Ryan holds a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Indiana University, and a Master of Arts in Education in Instructional Technology from East Carolina University. Prior to joining TechSmith in 2007, he was an educator for 10 years teaching in the elementary grades through higher-ed.
About Ryan Eash
Ryan Eash is an education evangelist for TechSmith Corp., a software company that provides practical business and academic solutions that change how people communicate and collaborate across devices. He works closely with educators to build relationships and support them in their use of TechSmith products. In Ryan's previous role as an instructional designer for TechSmith, he created training videos for Camtasia Studio, and provided in-person training workshops for customers. Ryan holds a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Indiana University, and a Master of Arts in Education in Instructional Technology from East Carolina University. Prior to joining TechSmith in 2007, he was an educator for 10 years teaching in the elementary grades through higher-ed.