Today, co-author Michael Horn, executive director of Innosight Institute, and Heather Staker, a senior research fellow at Innosight Institute, released new research in conjunction with the Charter School Growth Fund and Public Impact, which expands on this prediction and documents the rise of blended learning.

Blended learning is defined as any time a student learns at least in part at a supervised brick-and-mortar location away from home and at least in part through online delivery with some element of student control over time, place, path, and/or pace.
“U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan recently described a ‘new normal,’ where schools have to do more with less,” said Horn. “Blended learning will play a vital role, as school operators must rethink education’s structure and delivery with the new realities of public funding.”
About Innosight Institute
Innosight Institute is a nonprofit/nonpartisan think tank based in Mountain View, Calif. whose mission is to apply Harvard Business School Professor Clayton Christensen’s theories of disruptive innovation to develop and promote solutions to the problems in education.
About Charter School Growth Fund
The Charter School Growth Fund invests philanthropic venture capital in the nation's highest-performing charter school operators to dramatically expand their impact on underserved students.
About Public Impact
Public Impact is a national education policy and management consulting firm based in Chapel Hill, N.C. which helps education leaders and policymakers improve student learning in K-12 education
Related link
Blended Learning and the Rise of Online Learning in K-12 Education (PDF)
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Source: Business Wire