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Thursday, August 01, 2019

Start-up of the day: CoVince is the ‘Netflix of e-Learning’ | e-Learning - Innovation Origins

Richard van Tilborg, co-founder of CoVince, describes his idea as “the Netflix of e-learning”. 

Photo: TheCompany – CoVince
By which he means that CoVince is a platform on which all kinds of various e-learning modules are being offered. The e-learning modules have a variety of styles and themes. As a user, you choose what you would like to learn. Just as you choose your favorite series on Netflix.

Van Tilborg and the other co-founder Melanie van Halteren know each other well through their former employer. That’s where they came up with the idea for CoVince. As this is the platform where technology, psychology and experience come together, they form the ideal duo. Van Tilborg has the technical know-how and Van Halteren has a background in communication and psychology.

What is CoVince? 
The e-learning modules offered on the CoVince platform are built by the founders themselves. Most modules are built in collaboration with other companies. They commission CoVince to develop modules for them. More and more companies are using e-learning modules to train their employees.

Source: Innovation Origins