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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Aspiring developers to create a video game in a weekend

If you have always dreamt of using your creative talent to make a video game but not known where to start, then join Train2Game’s Game Jam for a weekend of design, development, coding and teamwork.
The event will be held over 48 hours at the University of Bedfordshire from Friday March 25th to Sunday March 27th. Participating teams will have the opportunity to create a video game around a specific theme that will be available to the public to download free on the internet.

The event is being hosted by blended learning provider Train2Game, and is open to anyone over 17 with an interest in game programming, design or art at a cost of£35, with free entry for existing students on one of Train2Game's four courses. All proceeds from the contest will be donated to The Prince’s Trust Charity that helps the development and improvement of young people, and provides opportunities for them to develop to their full capacity.

Budding game developers can enter as an individual or team with up to six members. All individual entrants will be placed in a team that fits their existing skills as a programmer, artist or designer to ensure a good mix of talent that could take the title of Train2Game Game Jam Winners. The University of Bedfordshire's doors will be open to game jammers from 2pm on the afternoon of Friday 25th March for registration, with the theme for the game being announced at 6pm.
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About Train2Game
Created in 2008, Train2Game is the only online blended learning college that offers people the chance to qualify as a Games Designer , Games Developer or Games Artist and Animator with a TIGA Diploma and was created to meet the specific industry skills shortages as recognised by TIGA.

Source: MCV and Train2Game