jazz drumming legend Billy Cobham and rock drumming superstar Thomas Lang.
ArtistWorks Drum Academy - Full Trailer
The Thomas Lang School of Drums and the Billy Cobham School of Drums contain hundreds of high-quality video drumming lessons that start at a fundamental level of how to play drums and gradually progress to the advanced level. Unlike other static learning methods seen before on DVD or other websites, the ArtistWorks Drum Academy uses ArtistWorks' groundbreaking Video Exchange™ technology which is currently revolutionizing music education.
All of ArtistWorks' schools take full advantage of high-resolution video, multi-angle camera view selection, cutting-edge social media tools, and the Internet's vast interactive capabilities to create a robust learning environment. Not only do the schools offer hundreds of real-time and slow motion lessons available 24/7, they enable teaching through personalized video exchanges to drummers all over the world.
For more information please visit: www.artistworksdrumacademy.com
Related link
So What Are Online Drum Lessons?
Source: PRWeb and ArtistWorksInc's Channel (YouTube)