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Saturday, December 17, 2011

QNet launches Swiss eLearning Institute

QNet is one of the leading companies in e-learning, that's why they launched Swiss eLearning Institute that helps in improving the individuals skills and utilizes the power of an online platform to immerse the learner in an educational environment, providing the necessary resources and tools to make the learning experience a great one.

Photo: QNet

The Swiss eLearning Institute provide courses aiming at introducing aspiring leaders and entrepreneurs to their most important companion on their road to success: effective communication such as Internal vs. external communication, Oral and written communication secrets, Introduction to persuasion and the Successful communication in teams.

E-learning became the new big thing among youth in Egypt. With the increase of internet users, e-learning became available for more people who are looking for innovative learning methods.

QNet offers courses in Presentation and Communication Skills, Career Design, Marketing 2011 and The Art of Management.
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Source: AMEInfo