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Monday, March 30, 2015

Northeastern University pioneers new learning model in Silicon Valley

"North­eastern Uni­ver­sity, the world leader in expe­ri­en­tial learning, will open a series of edu­ca­tional hubs embedded directly in select com­pa­nies across the Bay Area, begin­ning in Sil­icon Valley." according to News@Northeastern.

Photo: Northeastern University President Joseph E. Aoun

The research uni­ver­sity is bringing its century-​​old expe­ri­en­tial learning model and global industry net­work to a northern Cal­i­fornia market that demands more pro­fes­sionals edu­cated in sci­ence, tech­nology, engi­neering, and math—particularly women and minorities.

North­eastern University–Silicon Valley is the latest addi­tion to the university’s global net­work, which includes the flag­ship campus in Boston; regional cam­puses in Char­lotte, North Car­olina, and Seattle; and more than 3,000 industry part­ners world­wide. The university’s pres­ence in Sil­icon Valley is unique due to its co-​​location with an entre­pre­neurial and widely respected industry partner, Inte­grated Device Tech­nology (NASDAQ:IDTI).

This hub will fea­ture a technology-​​focused port­folio deliv­ered through online and hybrid for­mats, enabling stu­dents to com­bine the con­ve­nience and power of online learning with the ben­e­fits of face-​​to-​​face instruc­tion. North­eastern will col­lab­o­rate with partner com­pa­nies, such as IDT, on tai­loring cur­riculum and cre­ating real-​​world expe­ri­en­tial oppor­tu­ni­ties as part of each degree and cer­tifi­cate program.

North­eastern University–Silicon Valley will also create a research ecosystem lever­aging the university’s fac­ulty and research cen­ters to ben­efit the entire region.

North­eastern has never been bound by loca­tion,” said Pres­i­dent Joseph E. Aoun. “Our co-​​op pro­gram takes stu­dents around the world, and our regional campus net­work pro­vides expe­ri­en­tial learning for pro­fes­sionals in a knowledge-​​based economy. Northeastern’s Sil­icon Valley hub builds on our approach of seeing busi­nesses as part­ners and new regions as oppor­tu­ni­ties to empower human potential.”

Source: News@Northeastern