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Sunday, March 08, 2015

Students Explore Math and Science with NTC's Get Smart Program

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"Close to 60 middle schoolers in our area are exploring science and math using real-world activities like welding and graphic communication. Get Smart is back for it's 6th year in a row at Northern Technical College in Wausau." according to Valeria Sistrunk, Reporter.

Photo: WSAW 

This was Owen Beasley's second year at Get Smart, learning how to apply math and science to manufacturing jobs. Beasley is just 12-years-old, but only took an hour to make an electronic device that lights up to the sound of a persons voice, "We just had to sauter it on, and it takes a lot of precision to do that."

Beasley said he loves Get Smart because manufacturing is something he might want to get involved with in the future.

The program also allows students to explore science and math activities while using hands-on-experiences. 

Source: WSAW