This white paper is provided by Curriculum Associates.
Check out mathematics expert Dr. Mark Ellis "Knowing and Valuing Every Learner: Culturally Responsive Mathematics Teaching (CRMT)".
Culturally responsive mathematics teaching (CRMT) is about inviting all students into mathematics as participants because their ways of thinking and reasoning are worth sharing. It’s about ensuring each and every learner not only has success with mathematics, but also comes to see mathematics as a tool to examine the world.
We know from decades of research that:
• Student success with mathematics is primarily due to opportunities to learn meaningful
mathematics—and not due to innate intelligence;
• effective mathematics teaching cultivates the mathematics abilities of all students;
• equitable access and support in learning mathematics includes attention to students’
reasoning and identities (Boaler & Staples, 2008; Gutiérrez, 2013; Kisker, et al., 2012; Malloy &
Malloy, 1998; NCTM, 2014; National Research Council, 2009; Razfar, Licón Khisty, & Chval, 2009).
Source: Education Week