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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

5 AIs in Search of a Campus | Artificial Intelligence (AI) - EDUCAUSE Review

To grasp how artificial intelligence will play out in higher education, and how we can strategically address these changes, we should think about how artificial intelligence might unfold over the next few years.

How will artificial intelligence (AI) manifest in colleges and universities?, summarizes Bryan Alexander, futurist, researcher, writer, speaker, consultant, and teacher.

In late 2019, professors research, create, critique, and teach various forms of artificial intelligence. Students, staff, and faculty increasingly experience artificial intelligence in digital devices, ranging from autonomous vehicles to software-guided computer game opponents, that are unsupported by the campus IT department. AI capabilities are gradually infusing the services, used by all in the campus community, of powerful computing enterprises such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Microsoft. Homegrown experiments are under way on our campuses, while vendors offer AI tools for us to purchase and implement. Our work world looks likely to be revolutionized, and we struggle to adjust...

With this context, let's consider how AI could unfold academically. I offer below five archetypes, or categories, that artificial intelligence could take in colleges and universities...

When AIs Fail to Make the Cut 
The preceding discussion has assumed such AI archetypes will appear on campus, but they could well never set digital foot upon a quad for a variety of reasons. One easy way for them to flunk out is if our current burst of AI enthusiasm withers in the face of real-world uses. IBM has already run into significant obstacles introducing Watson into the medical field and has actually stepped back.9 Campuses may never host Tutor, Headmistress, Manager, or Muse if the technology underperforms.

Source: EDUCAUSE Review