Venice: world's most beautiful bookshop bounces back after floods | Venice - Wanted In Milan
Famed Venetian bookshop requested donations of used books - not cash - and was overwhelmed by donors and volunteers by Wanted In Milan.
Photo: Wanted In Milan
Acqua Alta bookshop, considered by many as the most beautiful bookstore
in the world, is slowly returning to normality, five weeks after it was
devastated by floods caused by Venice's highest tide in more than half a century.
owners have credited its return to the overwhelming generosity of
volunteers and donors who rushed to help Libreria Acqua Alta in the dark
days after the mid-November floods...
It took three boats to remove the books destroyed in the floods which
also caused damage to the shop's furnishings and bookcases. Read more... Source:Wanted In Milan
Hello, my name is Helge Scherlund and I am the Education Editor and Online Educator of this personal weblog and the founder of eLearning • Computer-Mediated Communication Center.
I have an education in the teaching adults and adult learning from Roskilde University, with Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) and Human Resource Development (HRD) as specially studied subjects. I am the author of several articles and publications about the use of decision support tools, e-learning and computer-mediated communication. I am a member of The Danish Mathematical Society (DMF), The Danish Society for Theoretical Statistics (DSTS) and an individual member of the European Mathematical Society (EMS). Note: Comments published here are purely my own and do not reflect those of my current or future employers or other organizations.