Just look at these articles in this EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 43, no. 6 (November/December 2008) below.
The articles in this issue of EDUCAUSE Review address the focus areas identified above. Kicking off the discussion are four op-ed pieces, one in each focus area.
Joel L. Hartman, Vice Provost for Information Technologies and Resources at the University of Central Florida and recipient of the 2008 EDUCAUSE Leadership Award, discusses the need for systemic transformation to improve teaching and learning with technology (“Teaching and Learning”).
Colin Currie, Director of Administrative Information Services at Princeton University, argues that the IT organization needs to take control of its own future “in the clouds” (“Managing the Enterprise”).
Christine L. Borgman, Professor and Presidential Chair in Information Studies at UCLA and Chair of the National Science Foundation Task Force on Cyberlearning, explains why higher education needs to focus on the “scholarship” aspect of e-scholarship (“E-Research and E-Scholarship”).
H. David Lambert, Vice President and CIO at Georgetown University, explores the emerging centrality of the CIO position in higher education (“Evolving Role of IT and Leadership”).
Moving Teaching and Learning with Technology from Adoption to Transformation
By Joel L. Hartman
By Joel L. Hartman
Managing the Enterprise
Painting the Clouds
By Colin Currie
By Colin Currie
E-Research and E-Scholarship
Supporting the “Scholarship” in E-Scholarship
By Christine L.
By Christine L.
Evolving Role of IT and Leadership
Managing Risk and Exploiting Opportunity
By H. David Lambert
By H. David Lambert
Web 2.0 Storytelling: Emergence of a New Genre
By Bryan Alexander and Alan Levine
By Bryan Alexander and Alan Levine