Oxford University are top of the academic podcasts on the iTunes Store.
Professor Stiglitz was invited by the James Martin 21st Century School to give his talk as the May Day Public Lecture.

By Sean Coughlan
BBC News education reporter
Earlier this month Oxford and Cambridge began to distribute lectures to students and the public through the iTunes downloading service.A talk by the Nobel Prize winning economist, Joseph Stiglitz, is the current chart topper in the "iTunes U" service for university lectures.
Oxford University has nine entries in this international academic top 30.
The talk by Joseph Stiglitz, former vice president of the World Bank, is top of the university podcasts on iTunes, giving an insight into what non-music downloads are appearing in students' music players.
In its first week, the Oxford iTunes service had 60,000 downloads.
Related links
Listen now iTunes U
Oxford University
Source: BBC News