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Sunday, January 02, 2011

Eve Online: Commissioned Officer Edition review by Barry de la Rosa

A great opportunity to get into a unique game at an exciting time in its development; just beware the massive & unforgiving learning curve.

Eve Online is one of the longest-running games in the massively multiplayer online (MMO) genre. Started in 2003, the game takes place in a single, massive universe shared by up to 50,000 players at one time. It’s unique in that every skill takes time to learn, and only one can be learned at a time, so "older" players generally have an advantage. The Commissioned Officer Edition goes a long way to softening that disadvantage for new players.
The Commissioned Officer Edition is designed to encourage newcomers. Previously, you had to spend the first month of the game acquiring Learning skills that reduced the training time of future skills, but had no immediate practical benefit. The CO Edition gives you an immediate boost to replace these, so you can start acquiring practical skills from the outset. This should half the time it takes you to become a useful member of the Eve community, but still expect to put in a lot of work, and experience very little in-game interaction with others, for the first few weeks.
Eve Online is infamous for its steep learning curve - but there are player-run corporations, such as Eve University (, that take on new players and offer them a gentler, structured path. It's also worth pointing out that while Eve looks beautiful, it actually has very low system requirements and can even run on laptops with integrated graphics chips.
Source: Expert reviews