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Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Are you ready for digital learning?

Attend this Free Webinar and join Neil Haire, Head of Learning and Development and James McLuckie, Learning and Performance Solutions Director of GoodPractice.

Don't miss this engaging 1 hour webinar below.

It is essential nowadays to adopt a digital learning strategy as part of your wider learning and development plan. I’ve been asked a lot with regards to creating a digital strategy from colleagues and clients, including questions such as:
  • Why should we adopt digital learning tools into our L&D strategy?
  • How do we promote the adoption of these tools in a workforce of mixed ages and experience in digital learning?
  • What digital learning tools are out there?
To hear answers to these queries and others you can sign up for our webinar, ‘Learning in a Digital Way.’ 
Photo: OnTrack International

Join Neil Haire, Head of Learning and Development and James McLuckie, Learning and Performance Solutions Director of GoodPractice at 1pm GMT on Tuesday 8th December 2015 to learn about implementing a digital learning strategy within your organisation. 

As well as sharing my experiences, including best practices and the challenges I’ve faced, we’ll talk about the benefits of a digital learning strategy and the different tools available to your organisation, such as virtual classrooms and online toolkits that can help you meet the needs of employees with mixed levels of digital expertise. During the webinar, we can look at where your business is in terms of adopting a digital learning strategy and look at the challenges you are facing or could face whilst implementing it. We’ll also discuss how you can get senior stakeholders to buy into digital learning and how digital learning fits into the 70/20/10 learning framework.
Register Now

Source: OnTrack International