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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

How Edgenuity CEO Sari Factor Defines Blended Learning and Good Implementations | EdSurge

Photo: Betsy Corcoran
Listen to EdSurge CEO Betsy Corcoran Interviews Edgenuity CEO Sari Factor below.

In addition to this week's regularly scheduled podcast programming, we're bringing you an exclusive conversation between executives. At the NewSchools Venture Fund Summit, EdSurge's own CEO Betsy Corcoran interviewed Edgenuity CEO Sari Factor about Edgenuity's rapid expansion to 17,000 schools, Factor's definition of blended learning and what makes a good implementation.

Edgenuity, formerly known as Education2020, was originally created, as Factor put it, for students who "couldn't be in the classroom, for one reason or another." Now, after five years of rapid growth, the company is expanding its products, services and focus this fall; tune in to hear more. 

EdSurge On Air
EdSurge Extra: EdSurge CEO Betsy Corcoran Interviews Edgenuity CEO Sari Factor

Source: EdSurge