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Thursday, January 17, 2019

Do YOU suffer from 'statistics anxiety'? Researchers say stress from math is real (and reveal how to beat it) | Science - Daily Mail

  • Approximately 80 percent of college students suffer from 'statistics anxiety'
  • University of Kansas researchers sought to quantify what factors add to this fear
  • Students were asked how they feel about their ability to do math, fear of statistics teachers, test and class anxiety and if they feared asking for help

Many people find math frustrating, as Daily Mail reports.  

Many people find math frustrating. But for some, it can turn into 'statistics anxiety,' a fear of doing math problems that can be debilitating or even stand in the way of graduation
Photo: Ollyy - Shutterstock

But for some, it can actually turn into 'statistics anxiety,' a fear of doing math or statistics problems that can be debilitating or even stand in the way of graduation. 

A new study from the University of Kansas discovered which factors can contribute to statistics anxiety and how it can be dealt with. 

Previous studies have shown that some 80 percent of college students suffer from statistics anxiety, the University of Kansas explained.  

'We teach a statistics class in the psychology department and see many students put it off until senior year because they're scared of this class,' Michael Vitevitch, professor and chair of psychology at the University of Kansas, said in a statement...

They used a technique called network science, which 'puts the most important contributors or symptoms of statistical anxiety at the center of a visual diagram of connecting nodes.'

'With statistics anxiety, it's not just that you have symptoms, it's how long you have them and which ones are more important?,' Vitevitch explained. 

Source: Daily Mail