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Thursday, January 17, 2019

Seven Things to Consider Before Developing Your Online Course | Online Education - Faculty Focus

This article will explore seven things that instructors should consider prior to developing an online course, inform Brian Udermann, director of online education at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.

Photo: Faculty Focus

As the number of online courses and degree programs in higher education continues to increase, more faculty are being asked to design and develop online courses. Sometimes this course design and development process is done somewhat reflexively, in a short time period, and with limited planning and preparation. This is not ideal as it can lead to a more stressful course development process for instructors and negatively impact the quality of online offerings...

Designing and developing an online course can be a daunting task for instructors. However, thinking about the seven items outlined in this article on the front end can help make the course development process less overwhelming, more enjoyable, and more successful for instructors.
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Source: Faculty Focus