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Sunday, October 06, 2019

New book celebrates SU's 150 years | LOCAL -

As Syracuse University gets ready to celebrate its 150th birthday, there's a new book out that looks at the institution's history, inform Laura Hand.

Syracuse University Press
Through narrative and hundreds of photos, Forever Orange presents SU’s glorious 150-year history in a lively, distinctive, informative manner, appealing to alumni and university friends, young and old.

Burton tells us 'it's not a history, it's the story of SU.' Pitoniak says it's about the many extraordinary and world-changing people who were also shaped by SU 'culture': it's more than a timeline of events.

The authors will be having a book signing at the Onondaga Historical Association on Wednesday, November 13, from 4 to 6 p.m.

The book is 'Forever Orange' is available
