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Sunday, March 08, 2020

Young adult book review: The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett | Arts&Ents - HeraldScotland

The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett was published by Frederick A. Stokes and is sold at £2.25. 

Young adult book review: The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
The Secret Garden follows the recently orphaned, spoiled young girl Mary Lennox who due to a lack of love and kindness from her parents, knows very little about friendship or i hope. This is until she discovers the secret garden in her new home, and along with friends begins to grow and heal as a character.

Who is it aimed at?
This book is primarily aimed at children, really anywhere between a basic reading age and perhaps nine or ten is the perfect time to read it however it’s always a comforting and heart-warming book to revisit when older...

Why should someone buy this book?
As one of those books that is highly regarded as a children’s classic, it may not be everyone’s taste but there is a certain sort of value and magic that it has survived. That this book still holds a deep importance is a reason in itself to at least try to read it, and that’s not even beginning on the beautifully executed plot and themes. 
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Source: HeraldScotland