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Friday, August 28, 2020

6 Tips for Teaching Online and In Person Simultaneously | Teaching & Learning - Inside Higher Ed

Amy E. Crook, associate professor of management and Faculty Senate president at Belmont University and Travis W. Crook, assistant professor of pediatrics and director of pediatric medical education at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine outline strategies to promote meaningful engagement for online students while at the same time providing a rich face-to-face learning environment.

Photo: Julia M Cameron from Pexels
To adhere to social distancing guidelines within classrooms, many colleges and universities that are planning to have students back on their campuses are offering concurrent classrooms in which professors teach some students in person and others simultaneously online. Under those circumstances, professors can feel overwhelmed by attempting to cater to two audiences and worry that the online students may have a diminished learning experience.

In this article, we outline six strategies to promote meaningful engagement for online students while at the same time providing a rich in-person learning environment. Fundamentally, professors can take one of two approaches with their distanced students: they can simulate the in-person experience or differentiate online engagement.

First Approach: Simulate In-Person Experience
The basic premise of this approach is to make the online experience feel as similar as possible to the in-person experience by integrating across modalities. Here are three strategies that ensure balanced student engagement regardless of setting.

Source: Inside Higher Ed