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The Danish Experience Based Learning Project (mostly in Danish)
She works as educational project developer, partner and coordinator specialising in e-learning, teacher training and inter-cultural issues. Current projects include VOCA2, an EU Leonardo project piloting mentor training courses to support the disabled into employment as project coordinator, LIPS, another Leonardo project developing online inter-cultural training for university interns and Experience Based Learning, a local project piloting teacher training in ICT integration and other approaches in mainstream upper secondary education. She also teaches business and technical English short courses.
Recently completed projects include the EU Grundtvig project, Teaching Culture which developed a blended learning course for adult education teachers to train their inter-cultural competences and VOCA Europe which developed blended learning vocational training to aid the disabled gain vocational qualifications. For this project she authored a handbook on e-learning for the disabled. She was coordinator of the Nordic Voice, supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers, which helped to promote a community of practice for Nordic language teachers to help them to achieve the ICT requirements of their various curricula.
She has recently presented at the Count on Me, Peer roles – Peer Mentoring conference in Mallorca in March 2006 as well as making several online presentations for example The Nordic Voice in November 2005 and the Webheads in Action Online Convergence, November 2005 and May 2007.
Anne Fox is also co-host of the bi-monthly podcast Absolutely Intercultural which started in March 2006 and was winner of an Edublog award for best audio blog in December 2006.