Do Distance and Location Matter in E-learning?
By Lisa Neal, Editor-In-Chief, eLearn Magazine
There are many differences between teaching online and in the classroom-including, as I wrote in a previous column, whether an instructor can see who is making eye contact, nodding in agreement, or sighing with frustration. Vital information like this has never been replicated in the virtual classroom. Physical distance between students and teachers clearly has an impact, but does it matter how far apart participants are in an online class?
FIVE QUESTIONS… For Seb Schmoller
By Lisa Neal, Editor-in-Chief, eLearn Magazine
Seb Schmoller is an independent consultant and the chief executive of ALT, the Association for Learning Technology, a UK professional and scholarly association which promotes good practice in the use of learning technologies in education and industry. ALT also facilitates collaboration between learning technology practitioners, researchers, and policy makers. Schmoller's popular email newsletter addresses e-learning-related issues from a uniquely British perspective.
About Lisa Neal

Source: eLearn Magazine