Steve Foreman has been in touch to reminds us about the launch of MyiCourse.com, an online course management site
Start your own online course, it is a free, easy to use, online course management site that allows the siteowner to construct online courses and tests. The Myicourse sites can be either public or private. The mission of Myicourse is to provide software that helps users create and post their own educational materials, at no cost.
Really, it is completely free!
An overview and more detail courses can be found at the MyiCourse™ learning center.

Online training and resource provider, Atomic Learning, offers free workshop on web 2.0
Atomic Learning, award-winning provider of online software training and resources, has recently released a new workshop on Web 2.0. The workshop includes video tutorials on a variety of online resources and is available free until 30 November 2007 exclusively at www.AtomicLearning.com/web20...
The workshop was created for Atomic Learning by Web 2.0 expert Vicki Davis. Davis is a classroom teacher who has been recognized for her innovative classroom practices using Web 2.0 and coauthoring The Flat Classroom Project...
The workshop provides Atomic Learning video tutorials on a multitude of online tools and resources to help educators effectively integrate technology into the classroom. The Web 2.0 Workshop is an essential resource for educators, covering topics such as what is a wiki, downloading Podcasts, participating in social networks, setting up an RSS Reader and how to share bookmarks and links.
Related link
For a complete list of Atomic Learning tutorials and workshops, visit www.AtomicLearning.com/tutorials
Source: eSchool News