I hope that you find this book useful and have a good time reading!
Moodle Teaching Techniques: Creative Ways to Use Moodle for Constructing Online Learning Solutions
By William Rice
Published on: 2007-09-20

The free, open-source Moodle LMS is designed to facilitate creating richly interactive online courses; with many screenshots this book shows how Moodle's many modules can be used to make courses unique, creating environments that motivate team work, where students get maximum benefit. The book assumes that readers have basic understanding of Moodle, but it does not need any programming knowledge; it is all about teaching and not programming and even experienced trainers will benefit from it.
About the author

William is fascinated by the relationship between technology and society; how we create our tools, and how our tools in turn shape us. He is married to an incredible woman who encourages his writing pursuits, and has two amazing sons. He can be reached through his website at http://williamriceinc.blogspot.com/.
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