Kineo has collaborated with Clive Shepherd and InVision learning to create a short course on rapid e-learning design. Entitled '60 minute masters', the course provides subject experts and many others with the skills needed to design engaging, rapid e-learning materials for use in the workplace...
Kineo Partner Steve Rayson commented:
"We're delighted to be involved in this module to help raise awareness and skills in e-learning design, and to show what can be done in rapid e-learning. This course raises some of the key issues for people to consider when designing and developing rapid e-learning. As we've always said, Rapid e-learning isn't about authoring tools; it is about good learning design and effective processes. This module explains how.
Source: Online Recruitment
The 30-minute masters
A first example of the 30-minute masters in the form of a rapid e-learning course freely available to subject-matter experts has been created by Kineo. They have re-branded the course as the '60 Minute Masters' (see below), because the way the script turned out 30 minutes was never going to be enough! The course is hosted on the open-source platform Moodle.
The 60 Minute Masters module itself is an exemplar of effective and engaging rapid e-learning, combining a high level of questions, a distinct tone of voice, and engaging graphics and media to help designers, SMEs and others interested in e-learning to raise their game.

How to design Rapid E-learning
Stephen Walsh explains how rapid e-learning design is different -- and better -- than traditional methods. In Kineo's new free Insight report, they share the three ways in which Rapid E-learning Design is different -- and better -- than traditional e-learning methods:
1. Where you start from: use structures and patterns to accelerate design
2. How you get to release: get to first version quickly, iterate to release
3. How you keep it relevant: wide range of tools, many of them free
Design Rapid E-learning report
Source: Kineo