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Sunday, June 17, 2018

Finally, a worthwhile graduation book | Living - New York Post

"Graduation books generally come in three flavors: celebrity advice, children’s books for adults and macho tough love" says Matt Carlstrom writing for New York Post.

The Third Door: The Wild Quest to Uncover
How the World's Most Successful People
Launched Their Careers
They’re often hard to relate to, condescending or pushy. (Please read the names of the books below while listening to a stirring round of “Pomp and Circumstance”: “Make Your Bed” “12 Rules for Life” “The Road to Character” “Nudge” “Oh, The Places You’ll Go!” “Assume the Worst” . . . the list goes on.)

Alex Banayan’s “The Third Door” is a rare exception to this rule for one simple reason: Banayan is young. The son of Jewish Persian immigrants, the 25-year-old broke a promise to his grandmother and dropped out of college to pursue his dream of interviewing legendary achievers like Lady Gaga, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett to learn their secrets. “Life, business, success . . . it’s just like a nightclub,” he insists. “There’s always a way in.”

Rather than the main entrance with its long lines and bouncers, or the VIP entrance reserved for the elite, Banayan advises young people to “run down the alley, bang on the door a hundred times, crack open the window, sneak through the kitchen — there’s always a way.”

Source: New York Post