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Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Survey: 7 in 10 People Don't Believe Online Classes Can Provide a 'True College Experience' | Campus Technology

"In spite of the fact that nine in 10 people believe online and distance learning programs will grow in popularity over time, seven in 10 don't think that students can a get a "true college experience" from an online-only program" says Dian Schaffhauser, senior contributing editor.

Photo: Campus Technology

That drops to five in 10 for those students who have attended a blended learning course.

Those results surfaced in "Online Education Trendspots," a survey intended to understand experiences and perceptions of online or distance education programs. The survey was produced by Verndale, a "customer experience" design agency. The company surveyed 320 people, ages 18 to 55, who have attended at least some level of college. Three-fifths of respondents said they had taken an online course.

The Verndale researchers suggested that online courses "are still being judged using legacy cultural benchmarks." They also anticipate that changing. "We will likely soon find that our expectations of a true 'college experience' are inherently blended, digital and global."...

The report is available with registration on the Verndale website.

Recommended Reading 
Photo: Campus Technology
Survey: Most Students Say Online Learning Is as Good or Better Than Face-to-Face by Dian Schaffhauser, senior contributing editor.
The report is available with registration through the Learning House website.

Source: Campus Technology